The East Bay Bonsai Society will always hold a special place in my imagination as it’s the first bonsai club I joined. I had recently met Boon Manakitivipart who had invited me to visit a few local bonsai clubs. EBBS quickly became my local club. Through their monthly meetings and workshops I began to learn the bonsai basics and grow my collection. It’s a super group to whom I owe thanks for helping get me started with bonsai.
Boston Ivy
This year’s exhibit was timed well to show off the different varieties on display. Boston Ivy was in brilliant fall color, crabapple and snowberry trees bore fruit, and the Japanese black pines sported fully-developed needles that would have been too short a month or two month ago.
Procumbens juniper
In addition to showing more formal displays, the show featured a table with a great mix of accent plants that included ivy, bamboo, ferns, succulents, annuals and more.
Accent display
I believe East Bay’s 48th show was another success. And the weather couldn’t be beat. Fall in Oakland, California usually supplies a number of precious days and this weekend was no exception.
Bruce Winter says
Along with everything else, the shohin procumbens juniper is outstanding! I’d be curious to know how the trunk was developed.