A friend brought a healthy California juniper to a Bay Island Bonsai workshop last weekend. I don’t think I’d ever seen such a healthy specimen.
Healthy California juniper
Junipers tell you when they’re ready for wiring and cutback – the shoots at the ends of branches elongate.
The most vigorous shoot
Although I’ve seen plenty of healthy California junipers over the years, I don’t know that I’ve seen any with shoots like this. What to do if you don’t see elongated shoots on your juniper? If the tree is receiving adequate sunlight, water and fertilizer and still no shoots appear, it might be time to repot.
John Demaegd says
Is this true even on Shimpaku junipers?
pepaulmier says
I would love to have a bonsai but I can’t seem to keep them, I am good with plants but some just give me so much trouble. What to do?
Jonas Dupuich says
@pepaulmier – sorry to hear bonsai have proved so tricky! Some of the forums have lots of basic advice – http://bonsaistudygroup.com is a good one to try.
pepaulmier says
Jonas Dupuich says
Hi John – yes, this is very much true for shimpaku junipers. New shoots won’t always be as strong as they are here, but until they elongate, I hesitate to work on them. Related: http://crataegus.com/2012/08/26/how-to-pinch-junipers/