The shore pine is kin to the lodgepole pine. Both are native to California and parts north, but the exact relationship is open to some debate (see Pinus contorta for details). Shore pine bark is great, if slow to develop, and the needles are relatively short. Not strong enough to withstand decandling, it can be trained like white pine varieties. In fall I remove strong shoots from the strong areas and leave the weaker areas alone. At some point before spring, I remove old needles from the strongest shoots.
I’ve been working on the specimen below for the past two years. As it hadn’t been repotted in some time, I changed the pot after removing the old needles.
Shore pine
Current and last year’s needles
After removing (with scissors) last year’s needles
As I packed up my things the morning of the workshop, I grabbed a pot that seemed to be the right size without looking too closely at it. After working on the tree’s roots, I took the pot outside to clean it and noticed that I’d grabbed a fairly old Chinese container. A bit much for a growing pot? Possibly, but then what’s the fun of saving old pots for exhibits? As the size was right and I’d brought no alternatives, I went ahead and used the old pot.
After repotting
The old pot
I’ve been happy with the selection since bringing the tree back home, and as it’s a bit larger than the previous pot, the new roots will have plenty of room to grow.
bonsaiprelude says
Looks great! Pots are made to have something put in them 🙂
Mark says
I think something’s wrong with the captions.
backcountrydan says
Very nice! I’ve been collecting a few of the Rocky Mountain Lodgepoles, but I haven’t worked them yet. They seem to be more touchy about collection than ponderosa or limber. Ours is P. Contorta, Latifolia.
Graham says
Your Contorta, is coming along nicely, its a favorite for us up here in the PNW (known as “contorta, contorta”). Nice pot to have hanging around :).
Cheers Graham
bonsai ağaç says
Been a successful operation. I’m interested in bonsai. I write articles about bonsai as an amateur. Bonsai people are incredibly calm. I would recommend it to anyone.