Bay Island Bonsai’s annual exhibit features a plant sale and vendors including Deer Meadow Bonsai and Deadwood Bonsai. Plus, on the first day of the exhibit, there’s a live auction (preview at noon, auction at 1:00pm). The auctions can be a lot of fun – I recommend taking a peek if you’re at the show. Here’s a small sample of the trees in this year’s auction.
Japanese black pine
Japanese black pine
Japanese flowering quince ‘chojubai’
Sale trees
And what of the chop if you’re curious).
Yaupon holly – after repotting
I think a number of the pots would have worked well – I was very close to selecting #4 – and were it a better fit, I might have gone with something like # 10. More to look forward to in the future!
For those in the area, I look forward to seeing you at the exhibit this weekend. For out-of-towners – plenty of photos are on the way. And for everyone – thank you for reading! Bonsai Tonight recently passed its 5 year anniversary – an impossible feat without your support. Thanks and see you soon!
backcountrydan says
I’m looking forward to the pictures!