The accent below is common – can someone provide the name?
If you look carefully, you’ll notice a shoot from a different plant – the leaf looks like kinzu to me.
Ajania pacifica (formerly Chrysanthemum pacificum) – Japanese: iso giku
(Thanks to Tom for the tip! -ed.)
Here’s another accent of the same variety. It’s less full but remains interesting.
Ajana pacifica with selaginella
Below is another Pyrrosia with moss planted on a rock – a nice composition.
Pyrrosia lingua var. eboshi
Dwarf acorus planted on a stone evokes a very different feeling.
Acorus on a stone
Selaginella with fern
Whatever the variety, successful accents are full accents. I love the example below.
Ardisia japonica
Tom Knoblauch says
Hi Jonas, Love the shitakusa photos. I think the first two are Ajania pacifica Formerly (Chrysanthemum pacificum) Japanese: iso giku.
Young Choe says
We’re still accepting Chrysanthemum pacificum. A while ago, there was a movement to split the genus up into quite a few new genera, but it hasn’t taken hold among taxonomists for lack of good evidence–oddly enough, horticulturists were more accepting, or maybe they just felt like it was too much work to change back again. So, while there’s no guarantee that it won’t be widely accepted by taxonomists as Ajania pacifica at some point in the future, it’s still fine to treat it as Chrysanthemum pacificum!
Also, plant name of the last picture is Ardisia japonica.
Beautiful Japanese traditional accent plants. Thank you for sharing!!!