This past weekend, Bay Island Bonsai held their 18th annual exhibit at the Lakeside Garden Center in Oakland, California. Following the club’s tradition, the membership recognized the top tree in each of several categories with Members Choice Awards. Here are photos of this year’s award-winning trees, starting with a large white pine shown at the 5th U.S. National Bonsai Exhibition in Rochester, New York, last year.
Large conifer – White pine ‘Kokonoe’
Large deciduous or broadleaf evergreen – olive
Medium conifer – Japanese black pine
Medium deciduous or broadleaf evergreen – Privet
Small conifer – shimpaku
Small deciduous or broadleaf evergreen – crape myrtle
Shohin conifer – shimpaku
Shohin deciduous or broadleaf evergreen – trident maple
Special category, bunjin – Japanese black pine
There were lots of other great trees on display – more pics coming up later this week!
Matthew walker says
Great trees at the BIB show.
Marty says
Some very nice trees. I know others will disagree, but I find the two trunks of the large white pine to form too much of a V. I like it when the trunks compliment each other a bit more like the shohin trident maple. I also like the pines where the second trunk is more of the a main branch. For the pine, I would like to see the second trunk shorter and the branches from the main trunk extend a bit over it like the maple. Most likely just a matter of personal taste.
Bill Daniels says
Maybe my eye is not tuned into the best at the show. I thought other bonsai were better presented
Lito Alansalon says
I saw some of this trees especially that deciduous Olive tree, when we were there a couple of months ago. It was now repotted. A great looking tree now.
Robert Kempinski says
Thanks for posting. Beautiful trees artfully presented, Well done to all.