I had a great time at this year’s Bay Island Bonsai exhibit. It was fun to catch up with friends and visitors from Northern California, Texas, Georgia, North Carolina, Oregon, Minnesota, Connecticut and Rhode Island – and I’m likely missing a few places.
The exhibit featured a good mix of varieties, but was particularly strong on conifers this year. Here are some of the larger ones on display.
California juniper
Sierra juniper
Western juniper
California juniper
Coast redwood
Sierra juniper
Mas Nakajima exhibited two works featuring large suiseki. They were among my favorites of the many displays he’s shared with BIB over the years.
Suiseki art by Mas Nakajima
Suiseki art by Mas Nakajima
I exhibited just a few trees this year, including the stewartia and black pine below.
Japanese black pine
Japanese black pine
Japanese black pine
Accent – hens and chicks
Atlas cedar
Japanese black pine
Western juniper
Sierra juniper
Sierra juniper – in training 2003/2004
Sierra juniper
Coast redwood
Check in next week – I’ll have pics of the shohin bonsai on display.
Peter Chan says
Absolutely stunning display as always. I hope I can come and see your show one day.
All the best – From Peter Chan
Marc says
Jonas your 2 trees are exceptional!