With small bonsai display, the focus tends to be on the arrangement of elements as much as on the individual trees themselves. The great challenge, then, isn’t just developing trees that work on a small scale, but in having enough different trees from which selections can be mixed and matched to create compelling displays.
Easier said than done.
I opted for a simple three element display at last weekend’s Shohin Seminar and missed the mark on all three! Here’s the display.
Japanese maple and black pine
What would I like to improve? The stand for the maple is too heavy. I’d prefer something simple with straight, slender legs. The current stand would be fantastic for a larger, heavier tree.
The pine points to the right. For use on the right side of the display, it would look better to have something that pointed left.
The stone is too large in relation with the other elements.
Why didn’t I make these adjustments at the exhibit? I don’t have the right stand, the right stone or the right small tree. Which means I have plenty to work on for the future!
Here are some more displays from the Seminar exhibit.
Six-tree display with a low and wide box stand
Five-tree display in a tall, narrow box stand
Two-tree display with stone and accent
Two-tree display
Single tree display
Four-tree display or mini-sized bonsai
Juniper with scroll and small second tree
Four-tree display with accent
Single-tree display with scroll and accent
Two-tree display with accent
Six-tree display with box stand
Patricia Kelly says
Really nice arrangements with the stands.