This Thanksgiving weekend, I’d like to introduce a project I’ve been working on for the past two years: The Little Book of Bonsai!

Cover of The Little Book of Bonsai
The book is a beginner’s guide that introduces readers to basic bonsai care and techniques. It’s being published by the amazing people at Ten Speed Press and will be released next year on January 28.
I’ll say more about the book as the publication date nears. In the meantime, you can view sample images and find links to pre-order the book at The Little Book of Bonsai.
Richard Sintchak says
Congratulations! Pre-order placed!
Jonas Dupuich says
Thanks, Richard!
Dave Hodgetts says
Congratulations on the publication of your book Jonas. Well done!
Jonas Dupuich says
Thank you Dave – I appreciate it!
Richard Phillips says
Wow! Gorgeous cover and the sample pages reflect the same level of quality and attention to detail. But, we’d expect that given the outstanding quality of your blog, wouldn’t we? Pre-order is in for release day delivery!!
Jonas Dupuich says
Ha, thanks Richard – I really appreciate it!
Mark says
Congrats, I have been following your tutorials for years. At least one of these books is heading down to Australia
Jonas Dupuich says
Thank you Mark!
Edward Stanton says
Jonas, with your experience in writing as an undergrad and grad student, and your well-crafted blog; your ability to make the most complicated matters (e.g., decandling) understandable; your ever-deepening knowledge of bonsai; and your splendid photos, all stars are aligning for a fantastic book. Can’t wait to read it!
Jonas Dupuich says
Hi, Ed! Thanks so much for the note, I really appreciate it. Am looking forward to hearing what you think about it!
Anton Nijhuis says
Now that sounds like a great book for our club or any club to sell at their annual show or shows. Visitors always ask for a simple beginners book!
Is there a volume discount?
Jonas Dupuich says
Thanks Anton! Volume discounts will be available but I don’t know the details. I’ll follow up with the publisher and let you know the best option as soon as I can.
Adam Toth says
Congrats jonas! You deserve success!
Jonas Dupuich says
Thanks, Adam!
Michael Hagedorn says
I had the privilege of reading the draft before it went to print, and I think this exquisitely written and presented book fills a void in the concise and introductory bonsai book category. Really it’s a treasure! For those who have been searching for the book to buy for friends who are just getting a niggling interest in bonsai, this is the one. Looking forward to its release-
Jonas Dupuich says
Thanks, Michael, for the kind words, and thanks again for your help with the book – it’s better because of it!