Back in March, when the submissions started coming in, Eric Schrader and I were thrilled by the quality of the deciduous bonsai.
Deciduous trees, a group of species that includes maples, elms, and hornbeams, among others, are often under-represented in bonsai exhibits, particularly on the West Coast. They are particularly great trees for fall exhibits as they can be shown with leaves in fall color, without leaves in winter silhouette, and for some species, with fruit!
For today’s post, I’ve included an assortment of highlights from the deciduous bonsai on display at the Expo. I’ve included the average scores from the judging panel.
As you’ll see, many of the scores were close. The trees were judged on a scale of 1-5 and the averages here range from 3.1 to 4.1. (The scores used for determining awards were normalized – you can learn more the judging process here).
Images courtesy Julian Tsai unless otherwise noted.

Winter hazel by Andrew Robson – winner, Best Deciduous Award sponsored by PT Bonsai
(Average score: 4.1) Photo courtesy Aki Yamakawa

Washington hawthorn by Dennis Vojtilla
(Average score: 4.1)

Japanese maple by Andrew Robson
(Average Score: 4.0)

Corkbark elm by Ryan Neil
(Average score: 3.9)

Winterberry by Andrew Robson
(Average score: 3.8)

(Average score: 3.6)

Zelkova by Howard Griesler
(Average score: 3.6)

Kashima Japanese maple
(Average score: 3.5)

European beech by Jonas Dupuich
(Average score: 3.5)

Korean hornbeam by Patrice Morrow
(Average score: 3.1)
Charlie Mosse says
Can’t wait to receive my commerative albumm. Images posted by others so far have been terrific. The trees and displays….beautiful. Could not be there but heard you guys nailed it!!
Congratulations on such a great expo!!
Jonas Dupuich says
Thanks, Charlie!
Edd Kuehn says
Thanks Jonas great images of a great inaugural event you guys all did a bang up job. Looking forward to sometime including viewing stones ?
Jonas Dupuich says
Thanks, Edd! Good question about including viewing stones. We’re not set up for it now, but we might be able to do something down the road. Thanks for the suggestion!
Vance hanna says
Stunning trees!
Yet in several instances the appearance of the foliage mass in reference to the container seems oversized in a proportional sense.
To a better degree I find the golden section missing and overly large canopies.
Not to say it is disruptive yet appearing discordant in the architectural sense of better design.
Overall I do appreciate your discussion.
Jonas Dupuich says
Thanks, Vance! That’s exactly the kind of discussion that’s fun to have at exhibits. I look forward to more comments like this as we do future events. Thanks!