The Bonsai Society of San Francisco’s recent exhibit featured a display of mame (“bean” sized) and other small bonsai. In it were some of the best tiny trees I’ve seen. Mame and shohin bonsai Japanese maple, Japanese boxthorn, coast live oak, bougainvillea, trident maple, fuji cherry, Japanese ivy Not only are the trees small, but […]
Exhibits are where we can see bonsai at their best. Explore posts from Bonsai Exhibits in the U.S. including the U.S. National Bonsai Exhibition and Japanese events including the world-famous Kokufu and Taikan-ten exhibits.
Bonsai Society of San Francisco’s 55th annual exhibit
Last week the Bonsai Society of San Francisco held their 55th annual exhibit as part of the San Francisco Flower and Garden Show held at the San Mateo Event Center. This was the first time I was able to attend the show in recent years, so I was excited to head down to San Mateo. For […]
Evaluating bonsai at BABA’s 34th annual exhibit
Things we look for at bonsai exhibits: healthy, beautiful trees in well-thought-out displays, clean pots and attractive top-dressings. This much is true for almost any bonsai exhibit. It’s when we start to consider criteria for evaluating individual trees that things get interesting. I have yet to visit an exhibit that lined up the trees on […]
Bay Area Bonsai Associates 34th Annual Exhibit
This past weekend the Bay Area Bonsai Associates, affectionately known as BABA, held their 34th annual exhibit at the Lakeside Garden Center in Oakland, CA. The exhibit featured bonsai in formal and informal displays. Most of the formal displays are situated on individual tables that let viewers see trees from three sides. This is great […]
More highlights from BIB’s 16th annual exhibit
Like it does every year, Bay Island Bonsai’s annual exhibit seemed to wrap up just as it was getting started. It was a blast, and as always I wish I’d had more time to enjoy the trees. Poring over the photos is the next best thing. Some photos make it easy to appreciate a tree’s […]