This past weekend the Midori Bonsai Club hosted their 52 annual show at the Northside Community Center in San Jose. Peter Tea provided the demonstration, working on a tall black pine, Jim Gremel, Jerry Braswell, Carman’s Nursery and others filled the vendors’ area, and after 23 years in business, Shibui Bonsai made their final appearance […]
Exhibits are where we can see bonsai at their best. Explore posts from Bonsai Exhibits in the U.S. including the U.S. National Bonsai Exhibition and Japanese events including the world-famous Kokufu and Taikan-ten exhibits.
Deciduous and broadleaf bonsai at REBS’ 30th annual show
I’m always happy to see flowering and fruiting bonsai at exhibits. Maybe I appreciate the contrast – or maybe I’d simply like to see more of these trees in my collection. Either way, flowering and fruiting bonsai sprinkle a show with color and provide good variety. Pyracantha – 30 years Ilex serrata Japanese showbell – […]
Conifers at REBS 30th annual show
For those of you haven’t had the opportunity to visit the Redwood Empire Bonsai Society’s annual show – as you walk in the front door, you’re greeted by redwood bonsai on the left and on the right. Coast redwood More redwood bonsai Large and small redwood bonsai It’s fitting for the club to lead with […]
Redwood Empire Bonsai Society’s 30th annual show
I’ve often heard, and likely repeated, that the most important part of a bonsai is the trunk. An impressive trunk shows character and age. It establishes movement and sets the foundation for whatever style the rest of the tree follows. I would be hard pressed to identify good bonsai with mediocre trunks. I found myself […]
A Large Korean Hornbeam at the ABAS Annual Show
One of the standout trees at American Bonsai Society, Sacramento’s, recent exhibit was an old Korean hornbeam. Korean Hornbeam It’s a great example of a tree with an unusual feature that provides interest – in this case, a long, straight branch with a big bend. Big bend While straight branches are rarely encouraged, their presence […]