After wanting a coast redwood, Sequoia sempervirens, for many years, I now have one in my collection. As the first order of business is to get it healthy, I’ve been feeding and watering heavily this year. Just in the past two months, it’s put on a lot of new growth. Coast redwood It’s still too […]
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Getting the balance right
As I approached the decandling season this year, I checked my pines to see if any were on the weak side but still strong enough to be decandled. These trees need to be decandled on the early side so the summer growth has time to fill in before fall. Looking around I saw a lot […]
Cut it here – my start in bonsai
“Cut it here,” he said. I was working at the family business, a retail nursery in Alameda, California. It was 1993. A man I had not met before was offering me pruning advice, and the advice was good. “Cut it here,” he said again, pointing to another branch. The man had a long name – Boonyarat […]
How to fill a tea bag with fertilizer
Two months ago, Felix Laughlin, President of the National Bonsai Foundation, requested tips for how to fill a tea bag with fertilizer quickly. The process does seem to take a while, but I’ve found I can fill about 9 bags per minute with the following approach. The most important thing is setting up everything within […]
Matt Reel workshop
I recently had the opportunity to work on some trees with Matt Reel. Matt hails from Portland, Oregon, and is a member of the Portland Bonsai Village. For eight years, he apprenticed with Shinji Suzuki. These days he can be found working on client trees, teaching classes and leading demonstrations across the country. I met Matt in […]