A very interesting bonsai event is coming to brochure: This is the first bonsai exhibition ever done with new presentation concept to accommodate creative and innovative inspiration, to collaborate bonsai art with other art forms, because we believe art is a living thing and has no limit in conveying messages of the creator. We hope […]
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A Japanese maple grove
After nursing a handful of young Japanese maples back to health, I decided to plant them all in the same pot to create a small grove planting. I started by selecting a shallow pot and adding lots of wires. The pot from below Plenty of wires Using lots of wires is useful for creating groves […]
20 year-old black pines – before and after
Having just appeared in BIB’s 15th annual exhibit, the small black pine below was due for a tune up. Daisaku Nomoto made a surprising number of cuts and then reset the remaining branches. When he was finished, I repotted the tree into a more suitable container for the growing season. Shohin black pine After cutback […]
Daisaku Nomoto workshop
I recently had the opportunity to participate in a workshop led by Daisaku Nomoto. In town from Miyazaki, Japan, to help with the BIB exhibit, Nomoto spent the day helping a handful of students with their trees. I spent most of the day with a white pine I’d picked up at last year’s BIB Auction. […]
Cleaning up deadwood on a procumbens juniper
Although cleaning up deadwood can be painstaking work, the actual process is relatively simple. To prepare the procumbens juniper below for exhibit, I used toothbrush and water to scrub the deadwood and then rinsed away the debris. A few hours later, after the wood had a chance to dry, I painted lime-sulfur onto the deadwood. […]