Depending on our approach, we can decandle all of a tree’s new shoots on a single day or spread out the process over a few weeks (more on that later). This period of time is defined primarily by climate. Climate In general, decandle earlier in cool climates and later in warm climates. The following provides […]
Black Pine
Preparing trees for decandling
Preparing red or black pine bonsai for decandling is straightforward – keep trees healthy, give them lots of sunlight, and feed heavily. If the tree is growing in poor soil, repot it in soil that drains well and decandle when the tree begins to grow vigorously. How much should I feed black pine bonsai I […]
Selecting trees for decandling
While decandling is a great technique for refining red and black pine bonsai, knowing when to decandle is just as important as knowing when not to decandle. When is decandling not appropriate for red and black pine bonsai? When the goal of training is to increase the size of the trunk. Let these trees grow […]
Why we decandle pine bonsai
Sometimes the reasons why we decandle pine bonsai can get lost in the discussion of how we decandle. In short, decandling is the single-most important technique used to develop beautiful pine bonsai. Black pine exhibited at the 2011 Taikan-ten Why decandle red and black pine bonsai? To stimulate back budding. The stress caused by removing […]
What is decandling?
There is a lot to say about decandling pine bonsai. There are as many approaches to decandling as there are bonsai professionals, and many of these approaches have merit. As we go into this year’s decandling season, I’d like make a few comments on the topic in as straightforward a fashion as possible. My starting […]