Tips for balancing vigor when using the cutback-decandling technique.
Black Pine
Finding the right hormone levels for making seedling-cuttings
Varying the exposure to rooting hormone can make a big difference when making pine seedling-cuttings.
When ignorance was bliss – and good for my bonsai too
There has been a lot of enthusiasm lately for the scientific side of bonsai. I’ve been a part of this, sharing stories, for example, of testing and acidifying water in an attempt to green up my garden. I started pursuing the topic when I noticed how much harder it had become to keep my pines […]
Decandling a mini-size black pine
Although I’ve been growing shohin pines for years, last year I decided to try making mini-size trees around 4″-5″ tall. As most of these pines were over 12″ at decandling time, I did a lot of cutback when I decandled. Here’s an example. Black pine – about seven years old The tree above has a […]
Decandling a shohin black pine
Late June through mid-July marks the end of the decandling season in my area. This means it’s time to start working on the smaller pines in my garden. The tree below is sixteen-years-old. It grew strong this spring which is a reflection of the fact that the tree is still young and not fully ramified. […]