The East Bay Bonsai Society’s 49th annual show featured the kinds of bonsai accents one would expect – including flowering plants and suiseki – and a few that one wouldn’t. One of my favorites was a simple planting in a ceramic pot with a handle.
Accent in ceramic basket
Fern accent
Tiny accent in great pot
A small grass stuck out for its name: “Teena Turner grass.”
‘Teena Turner grass’ (sic)
Turns out that ‘Tina Turner Grass’ is more than a cute name – it’s a cultivar of Scirpus cernuus.
The show also featured some wonderful suiseki, including a snow-capped mountain range.
What most caught my attention, however, was a display featuring a coast redwood.
Coast redwood with bottled beer, paperback fiction, and electronic accoutrement
Accent matériel
Remote as accent
Coast redwood with novel stand
For all of its novelty, something about the display struck me as familiar. I checked through some photos and found what I was looking for at this year’s BABA show. Thanks, Tim, for another fun display.
Bruce winter says
Really pushing the edges here. I can’t tell exactly what that plastic stand is under the redwood.
andre says
What’s up with the beers and chips
keisen says
You’re beautiful pictures of these little jewels made my whole day. Thank you!
centaura says
Interesting “commentary” on modern life. While I would not enjoy an entire exhibit with this sytle of display, its a good stand-alone, make you think piece. It goes hand in hand with a question I’ve had about modern American bonsai’s future. Whether we’ll be able to balance our need for newer, faster technology and fast paced lives with slower paced past-times (what I see here represented by both the tree and the paperback). Thank you Tim for reminding us that we all need to sit back, hit “pause” on the remote, and slow down for a minute.