The 8th World Bonsai convention featured not only some of Japan’s best bonsai, but also some of its best suiseki.
Kamogawa yase ishi
The 100 stones on display were assembled by the Nippon Suiseki Association. It was an impressive exhibit.
Kamogawa ishi
Tanba shiun seki
Iyo ishi
The stones came in a variety of styles and sizes and were collected from all across Japan.
Seigaku ishi
Most stones were arranged on long tables while some the smaller stones were displayed under glass.
Ibigawa kuzuya ishi
The stones proved as popular as the trees at the exhibit as the suiseki area was full of visitors every time I stopped by.
Kurama ishi
I particularly enjoyed the many stones that were shaped unlike any I’d seen before. These abstract shapes didn’t always suggest familiar forms, but they did hold my attention.
Kamogawa ishi
Furuya ishi
Kifune taki ishi
Some of the larger stones appeared in their own display areas with scrolls, stands, and the occasional doban.
Reddish stone in doban
All in all, it was yet another awesome component of the 8th World Bonsai Convention.
Aka Tanbaishi
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