I’ve found that a number of satsuki azaleas in my garden have bloomed this fall. It’s normal for satsuki to produce a few flowers this time of year, and occasionally trees are covered with them.
When this happens, I enjoy the color and remove the flowers when most of them are spent.

Spent flowers on an Osakazuki satsuki azalea

After removing the flowers – 23″
The tree above is still producing new growth but I expect this to slow as the weather cools. As soon as the old leaves start to turn color, I’ll know it’s time for fall pruning. In the meantime, I have a few more spent flowers to remove!
More client trees available
New trees including ume, atlas cedar, wisteria, European beech, and California juniper grafted with shimpaku have recently become available. Browse the updates at the Client Sales Trees page. (Local pick-up only.)

Shimpaku grafted on California juniper – 25″
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Anita Dawes Jaye Marie says
I love azaleas, and this is a wonderful specimen!
Jonas Dupuich says
Thanks so much!