I’m excited – tomorrow I’m heading up to the largest bonsai exhibit and sale in Northern California – the Redwood Empire Bonsai Society’s 32nd Annual Show. Coast redwood as displayed at the REBS 29th annual show There are only a handful of events in the area that provide a good opportunity to shop for quality […]
Exhibits are where we can see bonsai at their best. Explore posts from Bonsai Exhibits in the U.S. including the U.S. National Bonsai Exhibition and Japanese events including the world-famous Kokufu and Taikan-ten exhibits.
Different styles at ABFF
The 5th Asia-Pacific Bonsai Friendship Federation Convention & Exhibition featured a number of trees that fell somewhat outside of the stylistic norms I’m used to seeing at bonsai exhibits. The basic approaches were familiar – windswept trees and group plantings, for example – though I’m not used to seeing so many at a single event. I […]
5th Asia-Pacific Bonsai Friendship Federation Convention & Exhibition
Earlier this month, the Asia-Pacific Bonsai Friendship Federation held their 5th Annual Convention & Exhibition at Rin Rin Park, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. It looks like it was quite an event. The exhibit was huge, featuring over 200 bonsai. Trung Hồ Hương was kind enough to send photos of the event – thanks Trung! They make […]
Napa Valley Bonsai Club 2015 Exhibit
Last Saturday the Napa Valley Bonsai Club held their 2015 exhibit at the Senior Center in Napa, California. The one-day event featured a good-sized display area indoors and vendor area outside. I had the honor of working on a demonstration tree in the afternoon. As spring is in full-swing, the exhibit was full of fresh foliage […]
Artisans Cup – submissions now open
Show us your best, your boldest, your most beautiful and your most inspiring trees. With this, the Artisans Cup opened submissions to the general public. For those who haven’t heard about the event, it’s a juried bonsai exhibit to be held at the Portland Art Museum September 25-27, 2015. The event comes to us thanks to the efforts of […]