Last weekend the American Bonsai Association, Sacramento, held their 54th Annual Spring show in McKinley Park’s Shepard Garden and Art Center. Michael Hagedorn provided demonstrations Saturday and Sunday, and a variety of vendors including Maruyama Bonsai Nursery and Deer Meadow Bonsai complemented a well-stocked consignment table. Inside, ABAS members made it clear that this was a […]
Exhibits are where we can see bonsai at their best. Explore posts from Bonsai Exhibits in the U.S. including the U.S. National Bonsai Exhibition and Japanese events including the world-famous Kokufu and Taikan-ten exhibits.
Bonsai displays from BABA’s 32nd Annual Exhibit
The Chinese quince below was one of a number of trees displayed at BABA’s 32nd Annual Exhibit last weekend. It was started from seed and completely developed by Jim Gremel. The tree’s coming along great – and considering how hard it is to find good quince in the area, all the more impressive. Well done […]
Shohin displays at BABA’s 32nd Annual Exhibit
The Bay Area Bonsai Associates held their 32nd Annual Exhibit this past weekend at the Lakeside Garden Center in Oakland, California. Roughly half of the trees in the exhibit were displayed informally in long rows of bright green foliage. The rest of the exhibit was set up in displays, each about 6 feet across. I […]
Companion plants
Instead of showing bonsai on their own, Bay Island Bonsai exhibits trees in 6 foot displays with companion or accent plants. The addition of companion plants to a composition helps suggest a season or scene. My favorite accents typically feature a mix of varieties and just barely fit in their containers. Which are your favorites? […]
More from BIB’s 14th annual exhibit
It’s hard not to get nostalgic when I look over photos from Bay Island Bonsai exhibits. I’ve watched a number of the trees develop over many years and can see how far they’ve come. It’s fun to see variety between deciduous and evergreen trees, large trees and small, young trees and old. And it’s fun […]