I remember one of the first times I flipped through Kindai Bonsai, the Japanese bonsai magazine. Not being able to read a word of Japanese, I studied the photos. What struck me was how similar the black pines looked. I’d grown up with an appreciation of pines and could see that they were different, but […]
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Different styles at ABFF
The 5th Asia-Pacific Bonsai Friendship Federation Convention & Exhibition featured a number of trees that fell somewhat outside of the stylistic norms I’m used to seeing at bonsai exhibits. The basic approaches were familiar – windswept trees and group plantings, for example – though I’m not used to seeing so many at a single event. I […]
5th Asia-Pacific Bonsai Friendship Federation Convention & Exhibition
Earlier this month, the Asia-Pacific Bonsai Friendship Federation held their 5th Annual Convention & Exhibition at Rin Rin Park, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. It looks like it was quite an event. The exhibit was huge, featuring over 200 bonsai. Trung Hồ Hương was kind enough to send photos of the event – thanks Trung! They make […]
Caterpillar camouflage
I was struck, again, by the crafty camouflage employed by the caterpillars in my garden this week. Looking down at a chojubai, I spotted a caterpillar extending itself stick-like from the leaf it was clinging to. Unlike the completely green caterpillars I’m used to seeing around the garden, this one was clearly suited to the […]
Experiments with fertilizer
I’ve been experimenting with fertilizers lately. For years, my primary fertilizers have been cottonseed meal and fish emulsion. Both are easy to find and easy to use. Cottonseed meal Fish emulsion I’ve been happy with the results too, but have been curious about newer products that have components beyond the standard NPK. Today it’s easy […]