I can’t believe it – the Pacific Bonsai Expo opens in four weeks! Here are the latest updates. Saturday is sold out, but tickets are available for Sunday, November 13. There is a chance same-day tickets will be available on Saturday (stay tuned for updates in the coming weeks), but if you want to attend, […]
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Bonsai stand conventions
Bonsai stands are small tables used to display bonsai. They’re commonly found in exhibits or in formal indoor displays. We rarely see them in the garden as few stands are built to last outdoors. Why use stands at all? More than anything else, we use stands to raise bonsai above standard table height so they’re […]
Pacific Bonsai Expo update
This fall’s Pacific Bonsai Expo is coming together quickly. As a result, all of us working behind the scenes wanted to share some updates so here we go! Volunteer signups are online now If you’d like to help set-up the exhibit or make sure things run smoothly when the Expo opens to the public, we’d […]
Kokufu scoring exercise results
For those of you curious to learn which trees scored best in the recent Kokufu scoring exercise (see part 1 and part 2 for details), here they are! Large conifer – shimpaku juniper Large deciduous – Japanese beech Medium display – trident maple and shimpaku juniper Shohin display – white pine, black pine, gardenia, privet, […]
Kokufu scoring exercise part 2: multi-point displays
This week’s topic is scoring multi-point displays – displays that feature more than one bonsai within a six-foot space. This is the most common approach to displaying small and medium-sized bonsai, trees that are up to 8″ and 18″ tall respectively. While it’s relatively easy to come up with a system that accounts for characteristics […]