I find mid-summer to late fall to be an interesting time of year in bonsai. It’s a good time for the little tasks – the maintenance work. In cooler seasons, I can bring one or two trees to a workshop that will keep me busy all day. This time of year, I tend to load […]
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Scenes from a Kondo workshop
I recently had the good fortune to attend a bonsai workshop run by Akio Kondo. In contrast to the last Kondo workshop I attended, this event was more pensive, more contemplative. My trees experienced no radical transformations. Instead, we spent time making plans for the future and talking about how and when to execute these […]
San Francisco Suiseki Kai – 30th annual exhibit
The San Francisco Suiseki Kai recently held their 30th annual exhibit. It was my first visit to their event, and I was glad I had the opportunity to attend. Here is a selection of the stones on display. Suiseki Tamari (Shuhbo) – Eel River Yamagata – Little Truckee To-yamgata (Soshun) – Klamath River Hut stone Klamath […]
Kondo critique at Bay Island Bonsai
This month’s Bay Island Bonsai meeting was devoted to a bonsai critique by Akio Kondo. Kondo discussed the good and bad points of each tree, making suggestions for improvement and answering questions along the way. Occasionally – to our general encouragement – he pulled out scissors and made a few cuts. Here are some of […]
Brushing branches
I recently learned, a bit late, how to treat black pines that were decandled in fall – see “Fall decandling, year two” for details. After decandling the tree, I took the opportunity to wire it in a workshop with Akio Kondo. After reviewing my wiring, Kondo asked if I had a toothbrush. Too soft, he […]