Last December, I decided to take a big step to improve the branch structure on a Chinese quince. I cut off most of the branches. The tree was fairly ramified, but the size and arrangement of the branches didn’t convey the gnarly character that I associate with quince bonsai. The remedy, although severe, is the […]
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Kinsai satsuki azalea
‘Kinsai’ is a popular satsuki azalea cultivar. The flowers are red and the petals are narrow. Mostly. There are a few different variations of kinsai (pink flowers, wide petals, etc.), and there can be considerable variation among the flowers on a single tree. You can see this on the specimen below that has started to […]
Spring deciduous work: stewartia
For the last few years, I’ve been working to increase the health and vigor of a stewartia bonsai. As of this year, the tree is strong enough for regular spring maintenance – cutback and leaf pruning. As you can see in the photo below, the tree’s large leaves shade out the interior branches. If I […]
Grafting follow-up – reducing the original foliage
Two years ago I grafted a prostrata juniper with itoigawa foliage (see “Side-veneer graft aftercare” for details). Since then, I’ve been incrementally reducing the original foliage. Here’s a photo of the tree eight months after making the graft. October, 2018 I repotted the tree the following spring. A few months later, I removed the branches […]
Timing spring pruning on coast live oak
April is a busy month for oaks in my garden. At the same time that my largest cork oak starts growing, a second flush of growth appears on the coast live oaks. Coast live oaks can start growing anywhere from December through April in my garden, but usually get going in January. By mid-April, the […]