Azalea care can seem puzzling at first, especially if you’re familiar with junipers or other hardy species. But with the right approach, keeping these flowering bonsai healthy is within reach. Here are the top five things you can do to keep your satsuki healthy. 1. Water more frequently Satsuki azaleas produce fine roots that don’t […]
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How to lower the pH of your water to keep bonsai healthy
I found out that the pH of my water can get pretty high a long time ago. It’s not too bad when it’s in the lower ranges, but it definitely needs attention when it creeps into the higher ranges – which it did this summer. pH is a measure of how acidic or basic water […]
The effect of fertilizer on water pH
A hidden benefit of many fertilizers is their ability to lower the pH of the water. Had I kept this in mind this past spring, my trees would be a lot greener today. Looking back on my fertilizing habits, I shouldn’t have been surprised that my pines remained yellow despite repeated fertilizer applications. I changed […]
Why are my pines yellow?
I’m used to the pines in my garden looking a certain way. They usually yellow a little in fall and green up again in spring – only this spring, many remained yellow. I figured part of that was a result of fertilizing late this year. But even after fertilizing for a couple of months, many […]
Bonsai Development Series #16: Developing the trunk with multiple sacrifice branches
A sacrifice branch is any branch that assists in the development of a tree, but will not be part of the final design. Sacrifice branches are most commonly used to thicken the trunk. When the trunk reaches the desired size, the branch is removed. Some bonsai are developed with one sacrifice branch at a time. […]