If you get the chance to visit Deer Meadow Bonsai, go. Deer Meadow Bonsai Deer Meadow Bonsai is located an hour and a half north of San Francisco, just outside the charming town of Occidental (try Howard’s Cafe when you visit). From Occidental, wind your way through redwoods for 10 minutes and you’re there. What […]
Search Results for: pine
Looking inside
For those of you who weren’t able to visit REBS’ recent show, here’s a peak at some familiar trees from different angles. Under the canopy of a white pine White pine grafted on black pine Grafted white pine Shimpaku Procumbens juniper Trident maple In addition to presenting great bonsai, the REBS show features a large vendor […]
Small bonsai and accents
After reviewing my photos of smaller trees and accents at Redwood Empire Bonsai Society’s 31st annual show, I’m reminded how easy it is to overlook smaller trees in a room full of large bonsai. These shohin and small-sized trees deserve as much attention as the large and medium sized bonsai they share tables with. Here they are […]
More highlights from REBS’ 31st annual show
The Redwood Empire Bonsai Society’s annual show is big. The sheer size of the event provides ample opportunities to criss-cross the hall, appreciating the work that went into each of the trees on display. Coast redwood Japanese five-needle pine As always, I thought about the trees I most appreciated and which I’d like to work on […]
Displays at REBS’ 31st annual show
For the past couple years, Redwood Empire Bonsai Society has done a great job showing off their large trees. Often difficult to display on standard sized tables, the large trees at REBS’ recent show were set on extra-deep tables. European beech The extra space these tables offered provided breathing room between displays and helped visitors […]