I’ve noticed, in recent years, more and more special displays at Japanese bonsai exhibits. I think of a special display as any approach to bonsai display other than the standard arrangement of trees and accents within an approximately six foot space. At this year’s Gafu-ten – the 50th anniversary event – there were special displays […]
Developing shohin olives
In the last few years I’ve started working more with olive bonsai. Although they do best where the weather gets hot, they can grow well in mild climates too. As time goes by, I have less patience for species that don’t thrive where I live which makes olives a refreshing addition to the garden. Many […]
Takeaways from the second Shohin School Winter Seminar
Last month, Andrew Robson and I hosted a Shohin Seminar in Milwaukie, Oregon, featuring Japanese professional Daisaku Nomoto. Around fifty participants from seven states enjoyed two days of shohin education focused on how to create and display small trees. The event was a ton of fun and participants had the opportunity to shop from a […]
Highlights from the 8th US National Bonsai Exhibition – part 3: Shohin edition
Our third installment of the US National Bonsai Exhibition wrap-up focuses on shohin. This year’s exhibit featured 120 of them! If you’re interested in learning about shohin and shohin display, check out the note following the post about registering for next year’s Shohin School Winter Seminar. 6-tree display by John Kirby Although it’s hard to […]
Highlights from the 2023 California Shohin Seminar exhibit
The California Shohin Seminar, held every other year in Santa Nella, California, features workshops, demonstrations, vendors, and an exhibit. For those who have attended the seminar, you know it’s one of the most fun bonsai events of the year. And for those who have yet to attend, the next seminar is scheduled for the first […]