Earlier this year I grafted a few cork bark scions onto 3-year old black pines (see “Creating cork bark black pine“). As the new shoots inside the grafting bags began to harden off, I opened the bags a big to prevent the foliage from rotting. A few weeks later I removed the tape shading the scions and opened the tops of the bags.
3-year old black pine
Grafting bag with tape to shade scion
After removing tape and opening grafting bag
I prefer using painter’s tape to duct tape as it lets in more light and is easier to apply.
Another young pine
Grafting bag
After opening bag
I’ll remove the rest of the bags in a few weeks but leave the tape securing the scions in place until next year. I’ll also protect the trees in winter as the scions are still delicate at this point.
3-year old pine
Grafting bag
After opening bag
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