A number of my young black pines are now 10 – almost 11 – years old. Depending on what they look like, I’m making cuts, repotting or letting them grow.
The pine below has a number of exposed roots. As the main trunk growing up and to the right will not be part of the final design, I reduced it to encourage the branch growing on the left. I’m not sure yet whether I’ll use this as the new trunk line or as a primary branch – I’ll make this decision in the next year or two when I see what new growth appears.
10 year-old black pine
After reducing the apex
Another pine from this cohort was slated for a new potting angle.
10 year-old pine
Future planting angle
The goal of tilting the tree to the side is to replace the straight part of the trunk with a branch that leads in a new direction.
After removing the tree from the basket
Planted at the new angle
If you look closely you can see the future trunk line, now a thin branch leading upward above the base of the trunk. In another year or two I’ll reduce the long escape branch after the new trunk thickens a bit.
Close-up of the new planting angle
Beyond the new trunk and primary branch on the right, I don’t have much in mind for tree. As with the pine above, I’ll delay making further decisions for the time being and see what new branches emerge over the next year or two.