I’ve been working on a batch of plums for the last few years. I prune them every six months – once in spring, and once in fall. The work is simple. If a branch or section of the trunk is straight, I wire it or remove it. Here are two examples. Japanese plum After removing […]
Bonsai Development
Bonsai Development posts form the heart of Bonsai Tonight. Learn about varieties like Black Pine, Shimpaku and Japanese Maple, techniques like Decandling and Grafting and Air Layering, and bonsai features like Deadwood.
Branch development on Coast Live Oak – results after 8 months
The basic steps of branch development on coast live oak are simple: stimulate new shoots, shape the shoots with wire, cut back to two or three buds in fall. Following these steps can yield secondary branches in less than one year. Here are photos of each step. February 2019 The coast live oak above is […]
Cutback on winter jasmine
Winter jasmine (Jasminum nudiflorum) is a deciduous shrub. Unlike trees that have specific branch patterns, winter jasmine produce shoots that emerge in all directions. Winter jasmine They are appreciated for their yellow flowers – flowers that open at the end of winter before the new leaves emerge (hence the name “nudiflorum”). The specimen above was […]
Bonsai Development Series #17: Thin foliage to preserve interior shoots
Generating new shoots on Japanese black pines is easy. If a healthy tree is pruned, you can expect lots of new growth. Over time, however, crowded shoots can prevent light from reaching the tree’s interior. When this happens, the interior shoots we rely on for future primary branches can die off. The best way to […]
Cutback and wiring a Green Island ficus
I’ve been caring for a ficus for the past few months, and have enjoyed seeing the lush green foliage in the garden. Green Island ficus As we’re nearing the end of summer, this is my last chance to prune the tree and expect a good response before winter. The work is simple: reduce all branches […]