The small Japanese maple below has proved to be quite vigorous. In an effort to slow the tree down and produce shorter internodes, this past year I pinched spring growth, applied very little fertilizer, and fully defoliated the leaves and cut back the branches in spring. Here’s the result. Japanese maple Overall there are lots […]
Bonsai Development
Bonsai Development posts form the heart of Bonsai Tonight. Learn about varieties like Black Pine, Shimpaku and Japanese Maple, techniques like Decandling and Grafting and Air Layering, and bonsai features like Deadwood.
Teach Yourself Bonsai #1: When do I repot my bonsai?
Common wisdom holds that the best time to repot bonsai is in early spring. This is good advice, but it’s not very specific. If I were to refine the statement, I’d suggest that a good time to repot bonsai is when they begin to wake from dormancy. The idea is that different species respond to […]
A dwarf wisteria bonsai
About ten years ago, I picked up a young dwarf wisteria made from air layer by Boon Manakitivipart. Boon had grown the parent tree for some time before it bloomed, and when it did, he started several layers. The tree below is one of those layers. Dwarf wisteria – 2009 To offer an idea of […]
Cutback on Chinese quince
A few months ago, I brought a small Chinese quince into the garden. Chinese quince The tree is relatively refined, but the branch structure has a ways to go. The best way to fix it is to cut the branches back to short stubs. Before doing this, however, I want to make sure the tree […]
A small step: removing supports on a collected Sierra juniper
Toward the end of last winter I repotted a large Sierra juniper. Because it was planted at an angle, I used blocks to support the tree and keep if from tipping out of the pot. Now that the roots have grown in, it’s time to remove the supports. Sierra juniper – 32″ Support blocks After […]