For spring break this year, I’ll share a few photos from February’s Kokufu exhibit in Tokyo. First up – a large, well-balanced shimpaku with great movement and deadwood. Shimpaku Regular posts will return in two weeks – see you then!
Exhibits are where we can see bonsai at their best. Explore posts from Bonsai Exhibits in the U.S. including the U.S. National Bonsai Exhibition and Japanese events including the world-famous Kokufu and Taikan-ten exhibits.
A final pass through Kokufu 88
The first time I visited the Kokufu-ten was in 1999. I remember thinking, “wow, that’s a lot of trees.” Over the course of a week I saw the exhibit twice and felt like I was only just starting to gain an appreciation for the subtle artistry that went into the trees. This year I was in […]
Shohin bonsai at Kokufu 88
Shohin bonsai, at Kokufu-ten, are saved for the last room. Each half of this year’s exhibit featured five displays with five or six trees each, followed by a handful of kifu-sized bonsai. Although many visitors have had it by the time they make it to the shohin room – not everyone is used to seeing 200+ […]
The Kokufu-ten tour continues
The Kokufu-ten is known for both the quality of its trees and the quantity. The annual exhibit typically features around 250 bonsai displays. While the large displays contain one tree each, the medium displays typically contain two trees, and the shohin displays include up to 6 small trees – a lot of bonsai under the same […]
Post #500 – Kokufu-ten
A little over five years ago I started this blog – and today marks my 500th post. I’ve come a long way since my first post, and I can’t tell you how much I appreciate you all for joining in the fun along the way. Now over 5,000 photos, 2,000 comments, 3,000 followers and a […]