As promised, I’ve recently launched an online store selling bonsai tools, supplies and soil. For the time being, I’m focusing on the basics – the essential items used by enthusiasts on a regular basis. The tools are made in Japan by Kaneshin, Silky, and ARS, among others. Over time I plan to expand the selection so if […]
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Needle juniper foliage
On my last visit to Aichi-en, Juan Andrade and I took some time to compare the different foliage on some of the needle junipers in the garden. Needle juniper Needle juniper foliage It turns out there can be quite a difference in leaf size between specimens. If you’re working with a small tree, smaller foliage […]
Twists and movement
On a visit to Aichi-en last fall, I saw a juniper that was a little too much. Twisty shimpaku The other side Aichi-en apprentice Juan Andrade wasn’t very convinced by this tree with artificial twists. Junichiro Tanaka, on the other hand, suggested that the tree might take on more character as it ages and prove to […]
An old pot
The pots holding the bonsai at Shinji Suzuki’s garden were often as interesting as the trees. We learned the story of a few of these containers – others we appreciated on our own. One glazed pot looked like it had been around awhile. There were chips, cracks, mineral deposits and other signs of wear. There […]
Highlights from Shinji Suzuki’s garden
It’s inspiring to walk through a beautiful bonsai garden. Japanese maple A visit to Shinji Suzuki’s garden is a visit to a lot of really, really, good trees. Looking up at a Chinese quince The garden is arranged in a series of greenhouses with courtyards between them. In winter, nearly all bonsai are brought indoors […]