The Green Club is the sales area that accompanies Kokufu – the world’s premier bonsai exhibit held annually in Tokyo. Some of the trees on offer here are pretty amazing. In lieu of taking a break this summer, I’ll share some highlights from a visit the Green Club in 2014. Regular posts will return mid-October. […]
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Developing formal upright cryptomeria
Four years ago I made a few cryptomeria from air layer (see “How to air layer cryptomeria” and “Cryptomeria from air layer“). I’ve worked little on the trees in the intervening years and only began initial styling this summer. As the goal is to make formal upright bonsai, it’s important to make sure the trunks […]
Cryptomeria foliage
We usually see photos of cryptomeria bonsai during winter when the trees are dormant. Cryptomeria are usually trained in the formal upright style, and it’s through the development of the branch pads that the trees take on their character. Cryptomeria branch pads Cryptomeria as displayed at Bay Island Bonsai’s 2011 exhibit Summer is a good time […]
Summer growth on black pine
Summer is the time when people who decandled their black or red pines water and fertilize and wait until fall when the time comes for wiring and needle-pulling. Looking around my garden, I see summer growth in different stages of development and already I can tell which trees are too strong or not strong enough. […]
Good buds, bad buds
Of the two young black pines below, which do you expect to grow more next year – the one on the left, or the one on the right? 2-1/2 year-old black pines My money’s on the tree on the right. Not because the foliage is a darker green, but because the buds are so much […]