This winter is turning out to be a big repotting year for me. Throughout the season, three themes are guiding the work. 1. Work in Batches To get through as many trees as quickly as I can, I’m repotting in batches. When the trees are young, I’ll prepare the pots, remove the trees from their […]
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Pruning and repotting coast live oak
I thought I was in for a simple before and after post about a coast live oak until I began the root work. Live oak before pruning Live oak after pruning After removing a few large roots, I found a pocket of old soil. Old soil Curious about where this would lead, I began picking […]
Highlights from the 2023 California Shohin Seminar exhibit
The California Shohin Seminar, held every other year in Santa Nella, California, features workshops, demonstrations, vendors, and an exhibit. For those who have attended the seminar, you know it’s one of the most fun bonsai events of the year. And for those who have yet to attend, the next seminar is scheduled for the first […]
Shohin School Winter Seminar recap
A few weeks ago, Andrew Robson and I hosted the first Shohin School seminar at the Milwaukie Center in Milwaukie, Oregon. The two-day event focused on shohin display (Saturday) and development (Sunday). Our special guest for the weekend was shohin professional Daisaku Nomoto from Miyazaki, Japan. (All photos are courtesy Aki Yamakawa – thanks, Aki!) […]
Highlights from the 41st BABA Exhibition
On January 14-15, 2023, the Bay Area Bonsai Associates held their 41st bonsai exhibition at the Lake Merritt Garden Center in Oakland, California. Here are some of the highlights, starting with the Best Conifer award winner from the Pacific Bonsai Expo. Grafted shimpaku Another tree you might recognize from the Expo is a large Coast […]