The tree from Tuesday’s Case study was shown this past January at Bay Island Bonsai’s 11th annual exhibit. Japanese black pine as shown at BIB’s 11th annual exhibit I hope Boon will share the tree’s story some day – it’s a good one. The tree has been in development for a long time from nursery […]
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Case study: balance
Balance is one of my favorite topics for bonsai discussions. The term can be used broadly – I recently mentioned a few of the possibilities in relation to trees exhibited this year by the Bay Area Bonsai Associates. One of the more primary considerations is whether a tree points left or right. Getting direction right […]
Bonsai Stands
Bay Island Bonsai maintains a tradition of putting its newest members in the spotlight. Since the organization got its start back in 1998, new members have been subjected to the bonsai “stand exercise.” A group of stands are placed on a table and new members are given the instruction to “arrange them from least formal to […]
Spring bonsai display
Bay Island Bonsai’s annual exhibit is held in January each year. It’s a great time to show bonsai, but it’s not always the most colorful time of year. At a recent BIB monthly meeting, we worked on a display that included a Japanese black pine and a Japanese maple. In winter, the maple would be […]
Repotting a Japanese maple
Back in winter I took a few photographs of an air-layered Japanese maple getting repotted during a Bay Island Bonsai workshop. Combing out the roots – Japanse maple ‘sango kaku’ The new roots are well established. The next step is to get them to fuse while improving the ramification. Jeff, the tree’s owner, kicked off […]