If you haven’t checked the wired trees in your garden to see if any wire is cutting in, now’s a good time to do so. I often wire a lot of trees over winter or in early spring and by this time of year a lot of the wires have started to cut in. This […]
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Bringing new trees into the garden: coast redwood
One thing I like to do when I bring new trees into the garden is to give them a close look. I don’t always stop to appreciate all of a tree’s good or bad points when I’m shopping so I try to take the time once the trees come to the garden. I also like […]
Summer show prep: repotting black pine in July
With the fall bonsai exhibits still two months away, now’s a great time for some last minute show prep. The owner of the pine below plans to exhibit the tree in the U.S. National Bonsai Exhibition in Rochester, New York, this fall. Black pine – one month after decandling To show the tree at its […]
Enjoying potentilla in bloom
I’ve enjoyed growing a small potentilla for the last two years. As a deciduous shrub, I can appreciate the structure of the branches in winter and enjoy the flowers in summer. Potentilla in bloom Potentilla flower In my garden, the tree really kicks into gear around this time of year. If my goal for this […]
Side-veneer graft aftercare – bag technique
When performing side-veneer grafts on conifers, it’s important to provide extra humidity for the scions to prevent them from drying out. Two popular approaches for doing this are to cover the scion with a small plastic bag or wrap the scion in stretchy material such as paraffinic tape or Buddy Tape. While I appreciate both […]