This past January, I attended a workshop run by Daisaku Nomoto. As I was about to start plucking needles on a young pine, Nomoto recommended I leave some of the oldest needles in place. I asked why, and he suggested the following technique. Many branches on the young pine below have grown vigorously. Even after […]
Search Results for: pine
Basic Bonsai Tools
Part of the fun of visiting large bonsai exhibits is shopping in the vendor area. Sometimes there are hundreds of shiny, new tools for sale. After taking a good look at each, I usually tell myself – or try to anyway – that I have enough for the time being. And sometimes that works. The […]
New bonsai tools from Japan
I picked up a few new tools during my visit to Japan last fall. Among others, I purchased a large root scissors, a wire cutter, basic bonsai scissors and a water wand. Can you guess which has become my favorite? Root scissors, wire cutter, scissors Water wand – “ki ra ra – GNS” The root scissors […]
Decandling season arrives
If you have a number of red or black pine bonsai, you may have noticed that there are new candles everywhere – a sign that decandling time is near. Pine candles It’s still a bit early for people who live in warmer areas, but people in cooler climates may have already begun decandling. The time’s just […]
Bonsai pests!
If you had asked me, two weeks ago, if my bonsai were healthy and insect free, I would have said yes. At a glance, they all looked great. Looking closer, however, I discovered that one of my pines looked dirty. Some dirt on the needles – this must mean… Aphids! Aphids are most commonly found […]