One of the challenges of working with field grown material is replacing large, straight branches with slender shoots that have better movement. I’ve been doing this work incrementally with the trident maple below. Trident maple Even though it’s November, fall has been mild where I live so the leaves are still healthy. Here’s what the […]
Trident Maple
Cutback and partial defoliation on trident maple
Healthy trident maples are among the most vigorous deciduous bonsai species. When they are growing well, they can be defoliated three – and sometimes four – times each year. Climate and tree health determine exactly how many times makes sense for any given tree. I partially defoliated a root-over-rock trident back in June. Two weeks later, […]
Repotting a field grown trident maple
Some of my favorite bonsai work is repotting trees for the first time. I never take for granted that new trees in the garden have healthy roots and perfect root-bases. Sometimes they do, but other times they don’t. Until I repot a tree, I don’t have a great idea about what condition the soil or […]
Developing a trident maple – before and after
Emphasis is often placed on how much we can remove from our trees. Today, I’ll flip that around to emphasize the importance of generating new foliage. Here’s a trident maple after reducing the trunk. Trident maple – June 2017 The idea is to encourage new shoots that in time will form the upper part of […]
Repotting a trident maple bonsai
Several years ago, I published a series on how to repot bonsai. For those who missed it the first time, here is an edited version of the series in a single post. Enjoy! How to Remove a Bonsai Tree from the Pot Before a bonsai can be moved into a new pot, it must be removed from […]