After receiving so much feedback relating to a pot for this juniper, I thought I’d say a bit about what I like and don’t like about each option. Before getting started, however, I’ll mention my plans for the tree’s future. Currently the foliage is very heavy for such a slender trunk. To bring the silhouette into […]
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Pot selection exercise – procumbens juniper
The very last bonsai I repotted this season was a procumbens juniper. I knew finding a pot for the tree would be tricky because I remember struggling to find a good option three years ago when the tree was last repotted. Here are the eleven options I came up with based on what I have in the […]
How to fertilize black pine bonsai
Fertilizing black pine bonsai is pretty straight forward. For any given black or red pine, I first determine the tree’s stage of development. If a tree is young and I’m focusing on increasing the size of the trunk, I follow one path. If the trunk has reached the desired size and I’m focusing on increasing branch […]
A list of Kokufu Prize winning bonsai
Some time ago, Alexi Goranov asked if I’d be interested in a list of trees that have won Kokufu prizes. I was. I was curious what varieties these trees were and interested in flipping through old books to see what the winning trees looked like. The index includes show number and year, variety, style and […]
Review of Bonsai Fundamentals Course by Michael Hagedorn and Bonsai Empire
The Bonsai Fundamentals Course is the latest installment from Bonsai Empire’s series of online courses. This course is hosted by instructor Michael Hagedorn and is filmed at Shinji Suzuki’s garden in Obuse, Japan. For those who have yet to visit Suzuki’s garden, the course is a good opportunity to see what it looks like in […]