In the last few years I’ve started working more with olive bonsai. Although they do best where the weather gets hot, they can grow well in mild climates too. As time goes by, I have less patience for species that don’t thrive where I live which makes olives a refreshing addition to the garden. Many […]
Preparing an olive for restyling
Three years ago I acquired a large olive that had come from the Blue Oak Nursery collection. Olive, July 2020 Although the tree was in need of styling, I wanted to gauge the health of the tree before proceeding. After letting it grow for a year, I repotted it into a deeper container. After pruning […]
Pruning shohin olive
Summer is a good time to prune olive bonsai. By pruning when the weather is warm, I can expect olives to produce new growth until the weather cools in fall. For two small shohin, cutback consisted of reducing long shoots and pruning to silhouette. Here’s what this looked like. Shohin olive – before pruning After […]
Repotting an olive bonsai
I could have guessed that an olive I took home a few years ago had a trunk that extended below the soil. It was potted in a deep container and was far heavier than I’d expected. I confirmed this was the case the first time I repotted the tree. There wasn’t much to do about […]
Basic refinement on olive bonsai
I started working on an olive bonsai last summer. After taking the tree home and letting new shoots grow out, I wired the ones I needed and removed the rest. One year later, I’m doing the same thing. Olive bonsai – one year in training The idea is to establish the main branches. Once they […]