Our third installment of the US National Bonsai Exhibition wrap-up focuses on shohin. This year’s exhibit featured 120 of them! If you’re interested in learning about shohin and shohin display, check out the note following the post about registering for next year’s Shohin School Winter Seminar. 6-tree display by John Kirby Although it’s hard to […]
Exhibits are where we can see bonsai at their best. Explore posts from Bonsai Exhibits in the U.S. including the U.S. National Bonsai Exhibition and Japanese events including the world-famous Kokufu and Taikan-ten exhibits.
Preparing for exhibits 12 months out
Roughly a year from now, we’ll be opening the doors for a second Pacific Bonsai Expo. For those who plan to submitting trees to the event, there are a few things to start thinking about now. (We’re working hard, btw, on some of the event basics and plan to share more news soon – stay […]
Highlights from the 8th US National Bonsai Exhibition – part 2
One trend stood out clearly at this year’s US National Bonsai Exhibition: the prevalence of North American natives. Despite their growing popularity over the past ten to fifteen years, natives have made up a relatively small portion of the trees at the National Exhibition. This is likely because it takes time to train bonsai to […]
Highlights from the 8th US National Bonsai Exhibition – part 1
Last month, William N. Valavanis hosted the 8th US National Bonsai Exhibition in East Rochester, New York. At the start of the event, Bill reviewed all of the exhibits and seminars he’s hosted over the years and determined that this was the 100th show he’s staged. This is impossible sounding achievement deserves massive congratulations – […]
Highlights from the 37th REBS bonsai show – part 2
Here’s part two of the highlights from the Redwood Empire Bonsai Society’s 37th annual show. See last week’s post for more highlights or check out all of the trees on display at the REBS website. I’m taking a brief break from new posts but will be back with highlights from the US National Exhibition in […]